PC World Interactive 1
PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso
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%ABC's of QL II Fax
QL II Fax provides the state of the art pull
down menu, user interface. The program can be
operated directly from the keyboard or with the
use of a Microsoft or Mouse Systems compatible
mouse. At the top of the screen is the QL II Fax
Menu Bar. The area below the Menu Bar is the
terminal window. Different functions, such as
accessing this help window, will generate dialog
boxes that allow you to perform specific opera-
tions or provide you with special information.
These dialog boxes temporarily cover portions of
the terminal window, but the full screen with
information intact is displayed when the dialog
boxes are removed.
The Menu Bar allows you to easily access the
many functions provided with QL II Fax.
_Accessing the Menu Bar
You can access the Menu Bar by simply pressing
the ALT key and then selecting the highlighted or
underlined key shown for each Menu Bar item, such
as "C" for the Connect Menu. If you are using a
mouse, simply place the mouse pointer on the de-
sired menu item and depress the left mouse button.
Either of the above actions will cause the desired
menu to drop into view.
When operating from the keyboard, you could
also use the left and right arrow keys to select
the menu item. First depress the ALT key to
activate the Menu Bar and press the desired arrow
key to select the menu item. Press either the
Return key or the down arrow to open the selected
menu. Note that if you select the Diamond Menu
you can directly access the Help Screen Topic
scroll box by simply selecting Help on the Diamond
_Selecting Menu Functions
After selecting the desired menu item from the
Menu Bar, the full menu for that item will drop
into view. To select a function on the displayed
menu, simply press the up or down arrow key to
highlight the desired function. Press the Return
key to select that function. Note also that the
first letter of each menu function is highlighted
or underlined if you are using a monochrome
screen. You can select a menu function directly by
pressing the key that corresponds to the first
letter of the function. Some menu function also
have ALT key equivalents which are displayed to
the right of the menu function. Pressing the ALT
key equivalents have the same effect as selecting
the menu item from the menu bar and then selecting
the desired menu function. If you have a mouse
simply depress the left mouse button and drag the
mouse pointer up or down the menu to highlight the
desired function. Release the mouse button when
the desired function is highlighted. You may also
point the mouse cursor directly at the desired
function and click the left mouse button to
_Dialog Boxes
Many menu selections will cause a Dialog Box
to be displayed. Dialog Boxes can contain a
number of entry fields of a variety of types.
Textual information is entered by using a Text
Box. Simple on/off selections use check boxes.
Option Lists with a limited number of possible
responses use option pointers for selection.
Another method of selecting from a list of possi-
ble responses is through the use of the scroll
box. Lastly, a dialog box will also contain se-
lection buttons. A button with a double border
is a default button which can be selected at any
time, with the exception of when a scroll box is
active, by simply pressing the Return key. Press-
ing the Escape key at any time will cause a
dialog box to disappear and has the same effect as
selecting a Cancel Button.
Dialog Boxes may be repositioned on the screen
by simply depressing the scroll lock key and using
the arrow keys. If you are using a mouse, place
the mouse cursor anywhere on the outer border of
the dialog box and depress and hold the left mouse
button to drag the dialog box to another location.
If you have more than one dialog box visible on
your screen, only the top dialog box will be
To move from entry field to entry field within
a dialog box, simply press the TAB key. To
reverse the order of movement between entry
fields, press Shift-TAB. If you have a mouse,
simply point the mouse cursor at the desired entry
and press the left mouse button to select an entry
_Text Boxes
An Text Boxes is used to enter textual infor-
mation such as the modem initialization string on
the Modem Setup Dialog Box. When the current
value contained in an Text Boxes is highlighted,
pressing the Backspace key will delete the
_Check Boxes
Check boxes either turn an option on or off by
placing an "X" in the box. A Check Box will tog-
gle between on or off by pressing the SPACE BAR
when a Check Box field is active. When using a
mouse, simply place the mouse cursor on the Check
Box and press the left mouse button to toggle the
Check Box.
_Option Lists
Option Lists allow you to choose an item in a
list by simply moving the Option Pointer to the
desired option, such as when selecting the baud
rate in the Line Settings dialog box. Use the up,
down, left or right arrow, or the mouse cursor to
move the selection bullet.
_Scroll Boxes
Scroll Boxes allow you to select from a large
number of possible options, such as when selecting
the Help Screen topic. Pressing the up or down
arrows or dragging the mouse cursor will cause the
various options in the scroll box to be highlight-
ed. Pressing the Return key or pressing the left
mouse button will select the highlighted item.
Buttons perform specify tasks. The Ok button
accepts all dialog entries as displayed and re-
moves the dialog box. The SAVE button, permanent-
ly saves the current status of the dialog entries.
The CANCEL button removes the dialog box but does
not use any changes made in the dialog entries.
The HELP button causes the Help Screen Topic
Scroll Box to be displayed with the topic high-
lighted that corresponds to the dialog box for
which help has been requested.
To select a button, press the Return key when
the button is highlighted or place the mouse
cursor on the button and press the left mouse
button. You can also depress the ALT key and
press the key that corresponds to the first letter
in the button title.
%Account Information
The Services function on the Setup Menu,
allows you to define your account and password
information and network telephone numbers for
accessing CompuServe, Dow Jones and GEnie. This
dialog box allows you to update the account,
password and network information.
_Account Data
Enter the applicable account and password
information to be used for connecting to each
service. Leave blank the information for unused
services. Select the network to be used for
accessing each of the services.
The Ok Button accepts all changes and removes
the dialog box from the screen. The Save Button
permanently stores the information to disk. The
Cancel Button removes the dialog box but does not
apply any changes.
%AT Command Set
Most modems used with PC's implement the AT
Command Set as a method of issuing commands to the
modem. The actual implementation by your modem's
manufacturer is documented in the hardware manual
included with your modem. The chart below is a
summary of many of the more commonly used AT
commands. Many users may never find a need to use
this command set, as QL II Fax does much of the
work for you.
_Command Description
AT Attention command and precedes
command line
A/ Repeat preceding Command
A Answer call immediately
&Cn Data Carrier Detect (DCD) options,
AT&C1, track state of modem carrier
&Dn Data Terminal Ready (DTR) options,
AT&D2, hangup on DTR drop
DT Dial Touch Tone Mode
DP Dial Pulse Mode
E Command Echo Disabled
E1 Command Echo Enabled
&F Load Factory Default Values
H Hangup (on-hook)
H1 Off Hook
I Output Product Code to PC
L Speaker Volume (L0, L1, L2, L3)
M0 Speaker off
M1 Speaker on until Carrier Detect
M2 Speaker always on
M3 Speaker on from dial to Carrier
O Return to On-line Communications
O1 Return to On-line Communications &
Q Send Result Code Messages
Q1 Do not Send Result Code Messages
Sr? Read & Display Contents of Register (r)
Sr=n Set Register (r) to Value (n),
ATS0=0, disable modem from answering
the phone (QL II Fax program will
answer the phone with an ATA)
ATS7=60, number of seconds to wait
for a remote carrier
V Result Code Messages sent in Numeric
V1 Result Code Messages Sent in English
Word Format
Xn Extended Result Codes,
Y Long Space Disconnect
Z Reset and Initialize Modem
+++ Escape Code from On-line to Command
%Capture Text
The Capture Text function on the File Menu is
used to save all Terminal Window I/O to a file.
Text will be captured from the point that the
Capture Text function is turned on. Text that was
received prior to turning the capture mode on is
not captured. Capture Text will capture as much
text as can be held on the available disk space.
Selecting Capture Text a second time turns the
capture function off.
_Capture File Path
After turning the capture on, the QL II Fax
standard file selection window will appear. At
the top is the current DOS path. Below the path
is a text box for entering the filename into which
the captured text will be saved. Below the text
box is a scroll box for selecting the path. You
can either type in the path and filename or type
the filename and select the path from the scroll
When using the scroll box, selecting a direc-
tory name opens that directory and changes the
path. Selecting the double periods takes you back
one directory level if you are in a nested direc-
tory. Select the Continue Button when you have set
the path and filename.
If you enter a filename that already exists,
QL II Fax will prompt you to be sure that you want
to over-write it.
%Color Setup
The Color Setup function provides you with the
capability to adjust the foreground, background
and high light colors used if you have a CGA, EGA
or VGA graphics adaptor and a color monitor. If
you have a monochrome adaptor and monitor, this
function will not be operational.
Upon selecting the Color Setup function you
will have the Color Setup Dialog Box displayed.
The three scroll bars at the top of the dialog box
are used to select the Foreground, Background and
High Light colors. The Sample Window in the lower
right portion of the dialog box will display the
colors as selected. The Save Button will record
the new colors selected. The Ok Button will
accept any color changes and remove the dialog box
from the screen. The Default Button will cause
the default colors to be restored. The Cancel
Button will disregard any color changes and remove
the dialog box. The Help Button will cause the
Help Window to be displayed.
%COM Port Options
This dialog box will allow you to customize
your COM port. Before you change any of these
settings, be sure to check your modem or serial
card manual to see if these settings are
_IRQ Setting
This allows you to select a specific IRQ
number which your modem or serial card is set on.
You must set the IRQ on your modem or serial card
before the modem can be properly used (consult
your hardware manual). The AUTO option is based
on the following:
COM PORT 1 and 3 uses IRQ 4
COM PORT 2 and 4 uses IRQ 3
The selection is based on the COM PORT that is
currently selected. The IRQ by default is set to
AUTO. If you specify a COM port address, you must
select an IRQ number other than AUTO.
_COM Port Address
This edit field allows you to change the base
address of the COM port which your modem or serial
card is set on. If you select a COM address that
does not use the standard addresses, the Modem
Port selection on the Modem Setup dialog box will
have Other selected. Note, that the COM port
address is given in a hexadecimal number. Consult
your hardware manual for more details.
%Connection Setup
This dialog box provides you with setup infor-
mation for MNP/V.42/V.42bis parameters. If your
modem does not require QL II Fax to assist in pro-
viding MNP/V.42/V.42bis, this option cannot be
selected from the Setup menu. The Connection
setup dialog under the Setup menu controls the
type of connection made during the answering of
incoming data calls, and calls dialed with the
Dial command under the Connect menu. For each
entry in the Phone List, there is a separate
Connection Setup dialog box. When you select Add
from the Phone List dialog, a Phone List Entry
dialog will appear. In this dialog will be a
Connection Type button when selected will open
the Connection Setup for that phone list entry.
Once again, if your modem does not require QL II
Fax to assist in providing MNP/V.42/V.42bis, this
button will not appear in the Phone List Entry
_Protocol Type
This group of radio buttons selects which type
of connection you wish to make. This is the most
important selection in Connection Setup. V.42
Auto-reliable will instruct QL II Fax software to
try to connect using V.42 first, then try MNP,
then if both fail, connect as a standard modem.
V.42 Reliable will only try to make a V.42 connec-
tion and if no V.42 connection is established, the
call will be terminated. MNP Only means that only
a MNP connection will be tried. The None selec-
tion will instruct QL II Fax to make a normal data
connection without error correction. If you are
having trouble connecting with the other selec-
tions, try using the None connection type.
_V.42bis Type
If a V.42 connection is made, this option
tells QL II Fax how to use V.42bis. The Both
selection is the most common and is the default.
If you wish to disable V.42bis with a V.42
connection, select the Disabled option.
_MNP 5 compression
If an MNP connection is made, this check box
will control the use of the MNP 5 data compression
method. If you wish to disable the use of MNP 5
during a MNP connection, uncheck this option.
_Inactivity time
This edit box contains the number if seconds
to terminate a connection if there is no activity
on the line. If you wish to disable this feature,
enter 0 in the edit box, which is the default.
This feature will not work if you have Protocol
Type set to None.
%Cover Page Setup
The Cover Page Setup Dialog Box may be
accessed from the Setup Menu. This dialog box
allows you to define default information to be
used when automatically generating a fax cover
If you wish to send a cover page before send-
ing a fax document, select the Include Cover Page
check box on the Send Fax Setup Dialog Box. The
information stored in the Company, From, Fax #,
and Voice # text boxes will be printed on each
automatic cover page you send. The Company name
will also appear on the header of each page sent
along with the date and time of the transmission.
Press the Select button if you would like a
logo or graphic image to appear on the top of each
cover page. A file selection box will appear to
allow you to specify the cover page graphic. Once
you have selected the file, a file type dialog box
will be displayed asking you for the file format.
The default value is usually correct so you can
just press the Ok button. QuickLink will now
convert your graphic so that it can be merged onto
your cover pages. Note, the graphic cannot be
larger than have a page and cannot be a REC or QFX
file type.
To remove a cover page graphic, press the
Select button and then press the Cancel button on
the file selection box. You will then be asked if
you wish to remove the cover page graphic. Select
Ok if you wish to remove the graphic. This means
that when you send a cover page, no graphic will
appear at the top of the page.
%Delete Fax
The Delete Fax option on the Fax Maintenance
hierarchical menu allows you to delete an unwanted
file without leaving the QL II Fax environment.
_Selecting File
After selecting the Delete Fax function, the
standard QL II Fax file selection window will
appear. At the top is the current DOS path.
Below the path is a text box for entering the
filename and below that is a scroll box for selec-
ting the path and file. You can either type in
the path and filename or select them from the
scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a direc-
tory name opens that directory and changes the
path. Selecting the double periods takes you back
one directory level if you are in a nested direc-
tory. Selecting a filename selects both the cur-
rent path and places the filename in the text box.
Select the Ok Button after typing in the name
of the file you wish to delete. QL II Fax will
question if you are sure you want to delete the
file before removing it from the disk.
To exit the Delete Fax option, select the
Cancel Button after deleting all the desired
The Dialer allows you to quickly and easily
dial a telephone number. Simply type in the
number you wish to dial, select the Dial Button
and QL II Fax will dial the number for you. The
dialer will use the dial prefix and the dial suf-
fix defined in the Modem Setup dialog box. If you
need to pause when dialing, as when dialing
through a switch board, place a comma in the
number to cause a 2 second delay. Note the delay
time of one comma can be changed by modem
commands, please consult your modems user guide.
%DOS Shell
The DOS Shell function on the File Menu
allows you to temporarily exit and perform DOS
functions without Quitting out of QL II Fax. If
you are online at the time of the DOS Shell, the
modem connection will be maintained. When you are
ready to return to the QL II Fax environment,
simply type EXIT and press Return.
%Export Fax
This function allows you to export either a
received fax file (.REC) or a converted fax file
(.QFX) to a PCX or Tiff format. From the standard
QL II Fax file selection screen select the file to
export. An Export dialog will appear for you to
select the export format, either PCX or TIF. You
may also change the converted filename if you
desire. If you wish to export a particular page
from the fax document, select the Page option and
then type the desired export page into the text
box. The default is to export all the pages of a
fax document. If you choose to export all pages,
each export page will be named with the following
convention. If the original document name was
FAX0005.REC, page 1 will be named 0010005.PCX,
page 2 will be name 0020005.PCX and so on. Select
the Export button to start the export process.
%Fax Archive
The Fax Archive option, on the Fax Maintenance
hierarchical menu, allows you to save fax docu-
ments to an archive file to reduce the amount of
disk space required to store fax files.
_Archive Scroll Box
Upon selecting the Fax Archive option, the Fax
Archive Maintenance dialog will appear. In the
center of the dialog is the Archive File scroll
box. Above the scroll box is the name of the
currently open archive file and the number of
files in the archive. Each line in the scroll box
represents a file that is a member of the open
archive. The first column is the original file
name. The next two columns are the date and time
the file was last modified prior to being ar-
chived. The next column shows the number of fax
pages in the file. The last column is a free form
comment area.
_Archive Buttons
Below the scroll box is a series of function
buttons. The first is the Add button which allows
you to select and add a file to the currently open
archive file. A standard QL II Fax file selection
dialog will open to allow you to select the file
to add to the archive. You may also enter a
comment (up to 27 characters) that will be stored
with the file entry to aid in identifying the file
at a later date.
The Remove button will delete the file high-
lighted by the scroll bar in the scroll box. A
dialog will appear asking you to verify that you
want to remove the selected file.
The Unpack button will unpack the highlighted
file from the archive and place it in the path
indicated. If you wish to rename the file when it
is unpacked, simply enter the new name on the
Unpack dialog. Press the Unpack button to start
the process.
The View button will cause the document that
is highlighted in the scroll box to be displayed.
All keyboard commands available when viewing a fax
from the Fax Menu are also applicable when viewing
an archived document. Press ALT-H for a listing
of keystroke command after the document is
The New button allows you to select a new
archive file into which you can archive documents.
The Select button allows you to open an existing
archive file.
Selecting the Cancel button or pressing the
ESC key will exit the Archive function.
%Fax Document Convert
The Fax Document Convert function allows you
to select a file or multiple files for conversion
and fax transmission. QL II Fax will convert the
following formats:
_ Creator Extension
PC Paintbrush .PCX
Tiff .TIF
Mac Paint .MAC
HP LaserJet II (PCL-4) .PCL
Windows Paintbrush .BMP
Dr. Halo .CUT
Intel Fax standard .DCX
Ventura Publisher .IMG
These files will be converted into a QL II Fax
format (.QFX). Only converted files (.QFX) and
received faxes (.REC) may be transmitted as a fax
_Selecting Path
After selecting the Convert Documents function
on the Fax Menu or selecting a fax number to dial,
the QL II Fax standard batch file selection window
will appear. At the top is the current DOS path.
Below the path is a text box for entering the
filename and below that is a scroll box for selec-
ting the path and file. You can either type in
the path and filename or select them from the
scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a direc-
tory name opens that directory and changes the
path. Selecting the double periods takes you
back one directory level if you are in a nested
directory. Selecting a filename selects both the
current path and places the document in the
filename text box.
_Files Selected Window
At the right side of the Fax Document Con-
version dialog box is the Files Selected scroll
box. As you select a document by entering the
filename and pressing the Return key of selecting
the Add Button, the document is added to the Files
Selected list. You may select an unlimited number
of files to convert and prepare for fax transmis-
%Fax Errors
_Fax Log Error Codes
_Error Codes:
100 - 199 Modem Errors
200 - 299 File Errors
300 - 399 Send Fax Errors
400 - 499 Receive Fax Errors
500 - 599 Miscellaneous Errors
_Modem Errors:
Error: 101 Unable to open COM port.
Error: 102 Unable to detect modem.
Error: 103 Modem not a fax modem.
_File Errors:
Error: 201 Unable to create necessary file.
Error: 202 Out of disk space.
Error: 203 Error reading file.
Error. 204 Error writing file.
Error: 205 Unable to close file.
Error: 206 Unable to access file.
Error: 207 Unable to open fax file.
Error: 208 Unable to open exchange file.
Error: 209 Unable to open setup file.
Error. 210 Unable to create/send cover page.
Error: 211 Unable to create/send hraders.
Error: 212 Unable to open file.
Errol: 213 Error reading exchange file.
_Send Fax Errors:
Error: 301 No dial tone detected from modem.
Error: 302 Number dialed was not a fax
Error: 303 Number dialed was busy.
Error: 304 No canier detected after dial.
Error: 305 Error occurred during fax
Error: 306 No CONNECT message from remote.
Error: 307 No End Of Page acknolowledgment
Error: 308 No phase D page response received.
Error: 309 Unknown phase D error.
Errol: 310 No End Of Page response received.
Error: 399 Unknown send error.
_Receive Fax Errors:
Error: 401 Remote fax failed to train.
Error: 402 Remote fax failed to train.
Error: 403 Error during End Of Fax handshake.
Error: 404 Error occurred during End Of Page.
Error: 405 Unknown phase D error.
Errol: 406 Receive no acknowledgment during
End Of Page.
Error: 407 Time-out on end of reception.
Error: 408 Not end of transmission
acknowledgment received.
Error: 499 Unknown fax receiving error.
_Miscellaneous Errors
Error: 501 Unable to allocate memory.
Error. 502 The selected document contains 0
%Fax Log
QL II Fax provides two fax logs, one for
received faxes and another for transmitted faxes.
Both fax logs provide detailed information as to
what was sent or received by the fax modem.
The Fax log will list all the faxes in order
of transmission or reception time. When the fax
log is initially displayed, the most recent entry
will be at the bottom of the list.
Press the Ok button to exit the View Fax Log
function. Pressing the Remove button will delete
the current highlighted log entry from the fax
log. The Remove All button will delete the entire
fax log list. Pressing return while a log entry
is highlighted, double clicking on an entry, or
pressing the Info button will bring up a Fax Log
Information dialog. This dialog will display more
information on the current highlighted log entry.
Both logs have a fax status indicator for each
log entry that is displayed. The fax status indi-
cator will be Ok if the document was received
without any problems or Error if some error did
occur during the receive process. To see what the
actual error code number is, press the Info button
while the log entry is highlighted. If there was
an error as a result of a Busy, No Dial Tone, or
No Carrier, no error code will be displayed.
_Receive Log
Each log entry that is displayed in the list
box contains the date and time the fax was re-
ceived, the name of the received fax document,
pages received, and a fax status indicator.
The Fax Log Information dialog will display
the remote fax I.D, name of the received fax docu-
ment, pages received, fax resolution, received
baud rate, date and time of reception, and a fax
status indicator. If the fax status indicator is
Error, then there will be an error code number
displayed. Press Return to get back to the fax
log entry list.
_Send Log
Each log entry that is displayed in the list
box contains the date and time the fax was trans-
mitted, the name of the destination, the phone
number of the destination, and a fax status indi-
The Fax Log Information dialog will display
the destination name, destination phone number,
list of documents sent, pages sent out of the
total pages and cover page information, duration
of the fax transmission, fax resolution, transmit-
ted baud rate, remote fax I.D, date and time of
transmission, and a fax status indicator. If the
fax status indicator is Error, then there will be
an error code number displayed. Press Return to
get back to the fax log entry list.
%Fax Phone Entry
The Fax Phone List Entry Dialog Box allows you
to add or update an entry in the Fax Telephone di-
rectory. The Name and Number text boxes must be
completed, however the Attn and Group text boxes
are optional.
The Attention entry allows you to address a
fax to a particular person within an organization.
The Group field is used to assign, to the selected
phone list entry, a Group identifier (any char-
acter on your keyboard). The Group identifier
signifies to which group the entry belongs. A fax
can be sent to a group of numbers by selecting any
entry that is part of a Group. If you do not wish
to use the Group identifier leave the field blank.
Select the Ok Button to record your entry and
return to the Fax Telephone directory.
%Fax Phone List
The Fax Phone List function on the Fax Menu,
provides access to the automatic dialing fax phone
directory. The directory size is limited only by
the amount of available memory. Use the scroll
box to select the directory entry to edit or mark.
The mark process allows you to specify those phone
numbers to which you wish to send the selected
fax documents. You must first mark an entry
before you can send a fax. After selecting the
entry, select either the Edit, Mark or Send Button
to obtain the desired result. Select the Add
Button to add a new entry to the table or Remove
Button to delete an entry. The Sort button will
sort the directory.
_Adding/Updating Entries
After selecting either the Add or Edit
Button a dialog box will appear to allow you to
update the fax number and name.
_Group Identifiers
Each phone list entry may be part of a group.
The Group identifier (any character on the key-
board) will appear in the left margin of the phone
list. You may select an entire group of numbers
by selecting any member of the group. You will be
prompted as to whether you want to select the
entire group or just the selected entry.
The Hangup function on the Connect Menu will
cause QL II Fax to issue the hangup string,
defined on the Modem Setup dialog box, to the
%Hardware Setup
The Hardware Setup function allows you to set
the printer port and printer driver to be used by
QL II Fax and to change the monitor type from
Color (CGA, EGA or VGA) to Black and White
(Monochrome) or liquid crystal display (LCD).
If you have selected Color as the monitor
type cannot easily see all of the colors on your
computer screen, first try to change the color mix
by selecting the Color Setup function on the Setup
Menu. If this does not correct your problem change
the Monitor Type from Color to B&W. If you have a
laptop computer you will want to select LCD. If
you are using a monochrome screen with a standard
monochrome adaptor, QL II Fax will not allow you
to change the monitor type to Color.
The name of the currently selected printer
driver is displayed to the right of the Type
button. Press the Type button to bring up the
Printer type dialog for driver selection.
The monitor mode currently selected is
displayed to the left of the Mode button. Press
the Mode button to bring up the Mode dialog box if
you wish to use a non-standard monitor mode.
Select the Save Button to record any changes
made. Select the Ok Button to accept any changes
and remove the dialog box. The Cancel Button will
disregard any changes and remove the dialog box
from the screen.
%Line Buffer
The Line Buffer on the Edit Menu is used to
view data that has scrolled out of view on the
Terminal Window. The line buffer will hold up to
200 lines of information which includes those
lines presently in view. If you need to capture
text, use the Capture Text function on the File
Selecting Line Buffer will cause the menu bar
will change and the contents of the Line Buffer
will display below the menu bar. You will see
the bottom most portion of the line buffer. If
you wish scroll up, press and hold the up arrow
key on your keyboard. To exit the Line Buffer,
Press the Esc key, or type Alt-R to return.
%Line Settings
The Line Settings dialog box allows you to
select the line speed and data format to be used
during communications. The TAB key allows you to
skip between entries. The Save Button will
permanently save all changes. The Cancel Button
will exit without using any changes. The Ok
Button will allow exit without permanently saving
_Baud Rate
Use the up and down arrows to select the baud
rate or modem speed you wish to use. Note, if you
have a fax modem that can send faxes at 14400,
9600, or 4800 baud, do not attempt to change the
line speed. The fax baud rate will be set inter-
nally by the program prior to sending the fax and
after the modem has been setup for fax mode
_Data Bits
The allowable options are 7 or 8 data bits.
Use the up and down arrow keys to select the
setting. The default setting is 8 data bits.
Parity may be Odd, Even or None. None only
applies only when 8 data bits are selected. The
default setting is no parity.
_Stop Bits
The allowable settings are 1 or 2. Use the
up and down error keys to select. The default
setting is 1 stop bit.
%Macro Keys
The Macro Keys Function allows you to define a
custom meaning for each of the 10 function keys on
your keyboard. These Macro Key definitions can
cause QL II Fax to send a literal string or launch
a script file when the designated function key is
pressed. The 10 function keys are divided into 2
sets of 5 keys each. Enter the literal string to
be transmitted or the script file name to be
launched when the function key is pressed in the
Text Box to the right of the function key number.
If the information entered in the Text Box is a
script file name, select the script file check
Select the Ok Button to use any changes and
remove the dialog box. Select the Save Button to
permanently save any changes made. Select the
Cancel Button to remove the dialog box and not
implement any changes made.
%Modem Port Setup
The Modem Port Setup dialog will appear the
first time you run the QL II Fax application. If
you know the COM port that you have set up your
modem on, press the down arrow key until the
desired COM port is highlighted. Then press
Return to select this COM port. QL II Fax will
then verify that a modem has been installed to
this port. If a modem is found, this dialog will
close and the main application will be entered.
If no modem is found, QL II Fax will prompt you if
you want to try another COM port or if you wish to
set the application to this COM port even though
it has no modem. If you wish to try another
modem, select the Yes button.
_Auto Detect
This feature will automatically find your
installed modem and set the COM port properly.
To use this auto COM port detection, press Return
when Auto Detect is highlighted. If no modems are
found, QL II Fax will ask you to select the
default COM port where you will install your
modem. If multiple modems are found, QL II Fax
will ask you which modem you wish to use as the
%Modem Setup
The Modem Setup dialog box provides you with
the ability to define the modem initialization,
dial strings and hangup command strings. This
dialog box also allows you to set the COM port and
IRQ that the modem will use. As with other dialog
boxes displayed by QL II Fax, you use the TAB key
to skip between entries. The Save Button will
permanently save all changes. The Cancel button
allows you to exit the dialog box without using
any changes. The Ok button accepts all changes for
use during the current session but does not
permanently save the changes.
_Modem Initialization
The modem initialization string is the command
that QL II Fax issues to the modem when the pro-
gram is first started. This init string defaults
to AT&FE1L1V1&C1&D2S0=0S7=90. Note the init
string may vary from modem to modem. It is not
recommended to change any of the switches in the
default initialization string. If you need to add
additional AT commands, append them to the exis-
ting init string. For an explanation of each of
the default AT commands, see the AT Command Set
summary here in the help system.
_Dial String
The dial string field contains the modem AT
command which QL II Fax will use when dialing any
phone number. This field will usually have ATX4DT
as the default, but this may vary from modem to
modem. If you need to dial a certain number to
get an outside phone line, this is the place where
that number would go. Put any numbers that the
modem has to dial at the end of the string, and
any modem AT commands should be inserted after the
_Dial Prefix/Dial Suffix
The dial prefix and suffix make up part of the
dial string which is issued along with the dial
string and phone number. When dialing a phone
number, QL II Fax sends the dial string first,
dial prefix, then the phone number, and lastly the
dial suffix. The dial prefix and suffix are most
commonly used for phone calling cards and other
phone company access numbers. Both of these
fields are empty as default.
_Hangup String
The hangup string is the command QL II Fax
issues to the modem when the Hangup option is
selected from the Connect Menu. This string is
preset to ATH, which is the AT command to hangup
or go on-hook.
_# of Rings/Answer Mode
These next two entries are used by the back-
ground Receive fax program for answering incoming
telephone calls. The first entry specifies the
number of rings after which QL II Fax will answer
the telephone. The second entry asks under what
circumstances you want the Receive fax program to
answer the telephone. Auto Detect is the default
_Look for "RING"
There are two types of ring associated with
the modem. Selecting this check box instructs
the software to watch for the word "RING" to
come across the COM port. With this check box
unselected, rings are detected by the Ring
Indicator line of the modem.
_Com Port Selection
By using the left and right arrows you can
select the standard COM port address, COM1 to
COM4. If you wish to select a non-standard COM
address or a non-standard IRQ number, select the
Option button. This will bring up a dialog box
that will allow you to customize the COM port.
If you are using a non-standard COM address the
selected COM port will be other. If you select
a COM port that is not present in your computer,
QL II Fax will respond with an error message.
The Hardware button allows you to select the
class of fax modem you have installed in your
system. If you are unsure of what class your
modem is refer to your modem owners manual.
%Monitor Mode Setup
The Monitor Mode Setup dialog provides a way
for you to force your monitor into a different
video mode when viewing faxes. For example,
forcing your VGA to use an EGA mode.
If you do not want to use the Auto Detect
mode, select the desired monitor type on the
options list. As you change the monitor mode, the
default mode number of that monitor will be dis-
played in the edit field. Once you have selected
the monitor mode, you can change the mode number
to any valid value (you may have to consult your
hardware manual to find the valid values).
Once your choice has been made, press the Ok
button to use the specified settings. If the
monitor mode number is zero, Auto Detect will be
%Network Numbers
The Services function on the Setup Menu,
allows you to define your account and password
information and network telephone numbers for
accessing CompuServe, Dow Jones and GEnie. This
dialog box allows you to define the network
access telephone numbers.
Enter the local telephone numbers. For
accessing Dow Jones or CompuServe enter the
Telenet or Tymnet numbers. To use CompuServe's
own network enter the Compunet number. To access
GEnie enter the GEnie Net number. Use a comma to
cause a 2 second delay in dialing when needed.
The Ok Button accepts all changes and removes
the dialog box from the screen. The Save Button
permanently stores the numbers to disk. The Cancel
Button removes the dialog box but does not apply
any changes.
%Personal Editor Setup
The Personal Editor Setup dialog allows you
to define your own text editor to be used in place
of the built in QL II Fax Editor. If you do not
wish to use another editor leave this dialog
with the default settings. The default setting
is your QL II Fax sub-directory drive and path
followed by QLEDIT.EXE. QLEDIT is the default
QL II Fax Editor.
In the text box provided enter the drive and
full path and filename for accessing your desired
editor. In the second text box enter any execu-
tion time parameters (command line arguments) that
you may normally need to specify for your editor.
If you would like to select the file to edit
before leaving the QL II Fax environment and
entering the desired editor, select the first
check box. If you wish to have the default path
changed to the path of the desired editor, select
the second check box. This second check box may
be necessary if the editor relies on program or
setup files in its own directory.
When complete select the Ok button.
%Phone List
The Phone List function on the Connect Menu,
provides access to the automatic dialing phone
directory. The directory size is limited only by
the amount of available memory. Use the scroll
box to select the directory entry to edit or dial.
After selecting the entry, select either the Edit
or Dial Button to obtain the desired result.
Select the Add Button to add a new entry to the
table or Remove Button to delete an entry.
_Adding/Updating Entries
After selecting either the Add or Update
Button a dialog box will appear to allow you to
update the telephone number, the directory name,
the data format to be used when dialed, the
terminal emulator to be invoked and whether a
script is to be executed when the number is
%Print Fax
The Print Fax function on the File Menu is
used to print either received fax files (.REC) or
converted outgoing fax files (.QFX). This
function requires a graphics printer. The printer
must be defined in Hardware Setup on the Setup
_Selecting File
After selecting the Print Fax function, the
standard QL II Fax file selection window will
appear. At the top is the current DOS path.
Below the path is a text box for entering the
filename and below that is a scroll box for
selecting the path and file. You can either type
in the path and filename or select them from the
scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a
directory name opens that directory and changes
the path. Selecting the double periods takes you
back one directory level if you are in a nested
directory. Selecting a filename selects both the
current path and places the filename in the text
Select the Ok Button after selecting the path
and file to print the fax.
%Print File
The Print File function on the File Menu is
used to print text files downloaded as ASCII
(text) data using Receive File or Captured using
Capture Text. This is an off line print function.
_Selecting File
After selecting the Print File function, the
standard QL II Fax file selection window will
appear. At the top is the current DOS path.
Below the path is a text box for entering the
filename and below that is a scroll box for
selecting the path and file. You can either type
in the path and filename or select them from the
scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a
directory name opens that directory and changes
the path. Selecting the double periods takes you
back one directory level if you are in a nested
directory. Selecting a filename selects both the
current path and places the filename in the text
Select the Continue Button after selecting
the path and file to print.
%Printer Type Setup
The Printer Type Setup dialog provides a
driver scroll box and resolution options for
setting the proper print driver to be used when
printing fax files.
Select your printer name from the entries
available on the driver scroll box. If you do not
find the name of your dot matrix printer select
either the 9 pin or 24 pin generic driver, depend-
ing on number of pins in the print head of your
After selecting the printer driver, you can
change the print quality by using the options to
the right of the scroll box. You can print your
fax using draft, normal, or high quality print.
The default printer quality is normal. Note: the
better the quality, the longer it will take to
%Receive Fax
The Receive Fax portion of QL II Fax is a
background program separate form the QL II Fax
environment. It is loaded by typing:
from the DOS Command line. Once it is loaded into
memory he background program will answer incoming
telephone calls and receive fax transmissions no
matter what program is running in the foreground.
When a fax is received the Receive log is updated
and the fax is saved to a disk file. Check the
Receive Log for incoming fax transmissions. An
incoming fax may be viewed using the View Fax
Document on the Fax Menu or printed using the
Print Fax function on the File Menu.
%Receive Fax Setup
The Receive Fax Setup Dialog Box may be
accessed from the Setup Menu. This dialog box
allows you to define various options to be used
by RECFAX, such as where received fax documents
should be stored, loading options, and specifying
the Fax ID.
_Fax ID String
This text box allows you to specify your Fax
ID. This string is limited to 19 characters in
length. The Fax ID is an identifier to the remote
fax machine or fax/modem.
_Path For Received Faxes
This Text box allows you to change the path
where you incoming fax messages will be saved.
This field defaults to the sub-directory where
QL II Fax was installed. If you change this path
make sure that the new path already exists.
_Dedicate CPU While Receiving Faxes
This check box will allow you to dedicate
your machine while receiving faxes. When a fax is
received with this option checked, the computer
will stop all other processes until the fax is
finished. This feature is very useful if running
on a network.
_ RECFAX Load Options
These three options allow you to control how
RECFAX is loaded or unloaded prior to starting
QL2FAX. The first option will leave RECFAX alone,
whether loaded or not. The second option will load
RECFAX (if not already loaded) before starting
QL2FAX. This feature will be useful if you plan to
send faxes in the background. The third option
will remove RECFAX before starting QL2FAX and re-
load RECFAX after exiting QL2FAX. This feature
can be very useful if you do not have enough
memory to run both RECFAX and QL2FAX at the same
time. Since RECFAX will be removed from memory,
you will not be able to send or receive faxes in
the background.
If you wish to use these values as your
system defaults, press the Save button. If you
just want to use the settings temporarily, press
the Ok button.
%Rename Fax
The Rename Fax option on the Fax Maintenance
hierarchical menu allows you to rename a file
without leaving the QL II Fax environment. This
function is particularly useful for changing the
name of a receive fax file from the assigned name
to a name more meaningful to you.
_Selecting File
After selecting the Rename Fax function, the
standard QL II Fax file selection window will
appear. At the top is the current DOS path.
Below the path is a text box for entering the
filename and below that is a scroll box for
selecting the path and file. You can either type
in the path and filename or select them from the
scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a
directory name opens that directory and changes
the path. Selecting the double periods takes you
back one directory level if you are in a nested
directory. Selecting a filename selects both the
current path and places the filename in the text
Select the Ok Button after selecting the file
you wish to rename.
_Rename Dialog
After selecting the file to rename QL II Fax
will display the Rename dialog. This dialog shows
the selected file and provides a text box in which
to enter the new filename. The new name must
conform to standard MS/DOS filename conventions.
After entering the new name, press the Rename
To exit the Rename Fax option, select the
Cancel Button after renaming all the desired
%Run Script
The Run Script function on the Connect Menu
allows you to have QL II Fax execute a script file
that has been created and stored on disk. A
script file contains QL II Fax script language
commands that instruct QL II Fax as to how you
want it to function. These commands may cause a
message to be displayed in your Terminal Window,
cause a literal string to be transmitted or wait
for specific information to be received from a
remote computer.
_Selecting Script File
After selecting the Run Script function, the
standard QL II Fax file selection window will
appear. At the top is the current DOS path.
Below the path is a text box for entering the
filename and below that is a scroll box for
selecting the path and file. You can either type
in the path and filename or select them from the
scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a
directory name opens that directory and changes
the path. Selecting the double periods takes you
back one directory level if you are in a nested
directory. Selecting a filename selects both the
current path and places the filename in the text
Select the Ok Button after selecting the path
and file to run.
_Command Summary
The QL II Fax script language is comprised of
the following commands:
_ Command Meaning
Baud Command to set the baud rate.
ClearString This command will clear the
contents of InString.
Cls Command to clear the terminal
Data Command to set the number of
data bits.
Dial Command to cause QL II Fax to
dial a telephone #.
Echo This command will cause a
literal string that follows the
command to be displayed in the
local Terminal Window.
End This command marks the logical
end of a script file.
Goto This command will transfer
execution of a script file to a
specified procedure name.
If This command allows you to test
for conditions.
In This command will either cause
QL II Fax to wait x seconds for
string of characters to be
received from a remote computer
or will place one character at a
time in a special accumulator
called InString.
Localecho Command to turn local echo on or
Out This command will cause a
literal string to be transmitted
to a remote computer.
Pause This command allows you to
temporarily stop the execution
of a script.
Parity Command to set parity.
RtsCts Command to RTS/CTS on or off.
Stop Command to set the number of
stop bits.
Until This command will stop execution
of a script until a specified
Wait This command will cause QL II Fax
to delay for x seconds before
proceeding with the next script
XonXoff Command to turn Xon/Xoff on or
To send a carriage return after transmitting a
literal string add '\r' at the end of the literal.
To transmit a control character, sent the decimal
value of the character in the format of '\ddd'.
%Send Fax
The Send Fax option allows you to quickly and
easily dial a fax telephone number. Use this
function for dialing numbers you do not wish to
store in the Fax Phone List. You may include a
Cover Page or schedule that fax to be sent at a
later time. To dial a number, simply type in the
number you wish to dial, select the Dial Button
and QL II Fax will dial the number, and send the
fax. If you need to pause when dialing, as when
dialing through a switch board, place a comma in
the number to cause a 2 second delay.
%Send Fax Information
The Send Fax Information Dialog Box will
appear after you have selected the fax documents
to send and to whom they are being sent. If the
Include Cover Page check box has been selected on
the Fax Setup Dialog, this dialog will have text
boxes to fill in information for cover page
information. The cover page will be transmitted
as the first page, prior to sending the document.
The To, Attn, and Fax # text boxes default to
the Fax Phone List entry if sending a fax from the
Fax Phone List. The Attention field is provided
for directing the fax to a particular person
within a company. The Note can have up to 255
characters of user defined text. Select the Ok
Button when you have completed any desired
updates. Select the Omit Button to cancel sending
a cover page with this fax.
If you do not have the Include Cover Page
check box selected, only the scheduling portion of
the Fax Information Dialog will appear. If you
want to send the fax immediately, select the Ok
button. If you wish to send the fax at a later
time, enter the hour and minutes in the
appropriate text boxes. Do not forget to select
the option for am and pm.
%Send Fax Setup
The Send Fax Setup Dialog Box may be accessed
from the Setup Menu. This dialog box allows you
to define various options to be used in preparing
and transmitting documents.
_ Conversion Options
_Center Text/Graphics On Page
This option tells QL II Fax to center text
and graphics at conversion time. If this option
is not selected, images will be left justified.
_High Resolution
QL II Fax will transmit documents at normal
resolution (100 dpi.) unless the high resolution
option (200 dpi.) is selected.
_Full Page Text/Graphics
When this option is selected, QL II Fax will
make all pages transmitted a full 11 inches in
_Text Lines Per Page
This edit field allows you to specify the
total number of text lines per page.
_Width of Tab Stops
This edit field allows you to specify the
number of spaces a tab character represents.
_Top/Bottom Margin
This edit field allows you to specify the
number of blank lines that will appear on the top
and bottom of a converted text page.
_ Control Options
_Include Cover Page
If you wish to include a cover page with your
fax transmission check this box. If this check
box is not selected, you will not be able to send
a cover page.
_Delete QFX Files After Sending
This option, when selected, instructs QL II
Fax to delete the .QFX files after successful
transmission of the document.
_Dedicate CPU While Sending Faxes
This check box will allow you to dedicate
your machine while sending faxes. This feature
will only take effect if sending in the
background. When a fax is sent with this option
checked, the computer will stop all other proces-
ses until the fax is finished. This feature is
very useful if running on a network.
_Use RTS/CTS Flow Control
Whith this option selected the modem will use
RTS/CTS or hardware flow control to control the
flow of data being sent across the port. When
this box is not selected XON/XOFF or software
flow control will be used.
_Number Of Redials
This option specifies how many times QL II
Fax will attempt to fax to a busy fax machine.
The default number of three means that the
program will try a total of 3 attempts to send
before it will log the fax attempt as Busy in the
Send Fax Log.
_Time Between Redials
If you want QL II Fax to wait longer between
busy redials, change the default value of 30 to a
larger value. This value represents the number of
seconds the program will wait before attempting a
If you wish to use these values as your
system defaults, press the Save button. If you
just want to use the settings temporarily, press
the Ok button.
%Send/Receive File
The Send and Receive File functions on the
File Menu are for transferring files to or from
remote computers. After selecting either function
a hierarchical menu will appear that lists the
transfer protocols supported by QL II Fax. You
will need to select a protocol to begin the
transfer process.
QL II Fax supports the following transfer
Protocols; ASCII, Xmodem Checksum, Xmodem CRC,
Xmodem 1K, Ymodem, Ymodem G, Kermit and Super
Kermit. Both sides of a communications session
must use the same protocol. All of these
protocols, with the exception of ASCII and
Ymodem-G, provide error correction. Ymodem-G must
only be used with error correcting modems.
_Selecting Path
After selecting the protocol, the QL II Fax
standard file selection window will appear. At
the top is the current DOS path. Below the path
is a text box for entering the filename and below
that is a scroll box for selecting the path and
file. You can either type in the path and
filename or select them from the scroll box.
When using the scroll box, selecting a
directory name opens that directory and changes
the path. Selecting the double periods takes you
back one directory level if you are in a nested
directory. When uploading, selecting a filename
selects both the current path and places the
filename in the text box. When downloading, you
must type the filename in the text box. If you
enter a filename that already exists, QL II Fax
will prompt you to be sure that you want to
over-write it.
_Transfer Window
After selecting the path and filename, select
the Ok Button and the Transfer Window will appear.
This window provides transfer status information
and a Cancel Button for terminating a transfer in
%Setup PCL Font
This setup dialog allows you to set up the
default font that will be used when converting PCL
files. You can also define two custom fonts that
can control what the output will look like. If
you highlight one of the user defined fonts, you
can press the Edit button to enter your own
printer commands. Consult your HP LaserJet II
manual for the desired results.
The first check box allows the user to turn on
and off the default font. If no font is speci-
fied, a Courier 12 point font will be used for
text. This font will only be used if the document
you are printing has not specified a font and has
not issued a printer reset command.
The second check box allows a user to convert
any ASCII text document and have LaserJet results.
When selecting a text document to fax or view,
instead of the file type of TEXT, PCL is used.
%Terminal Options
The Terminal Options dialog box allows you to
set the terminal attributes you want QL II Fax to
use. A number of check boxes are provided to turn
options on or off.
_Local Echo
The local echo option tells QL II Fax to
display all keyboard entries directly to the
terminal window rather than let the remote
computer echo the keystrokes back as is normal.
If you cannot see what you type, turn this option
on. If characters appear double (HHeellpp) turn
this option off.
_Flow Control
Flow Control is the process of telling each
computer to stop sending data and starting it
again. This provides time to process the data
received. Flow control is usually not needed and
must be implemented simultaneously by both
Xon/Xoff is a software flow control that
involves the sending of special control codes as
part of the data. RTS/CTS is hardware flow
control that is implemented in both software and
the modem hardware. Therefore your modem must
support the RTS/CTS standard for this method to be
used. The RTS/CTS method is more reliable and is
mandatory for use with MNP Level 5 and above
_Change CR to CR/LF
This option tells QL II fax to translate all
Carriage Returns to Carriage Return + Line Feed.
_Line Wrap
This option tells QL II Fax to issue a
carriage return + line feed if more than 80
characters are transmitted on a single line.
_Smart Mode
This option is divided into two check boxes.
The first tells QL II Fax to automatically re-dial
a number when a busy signal is received and the
second tells QL II Fax to reset the communications
speed if the modem senses a speed other than the
speed set when the modem was dialed.
_Terminal Emulation
Under the check boxes is a line that
specifies the current terminal emulator being
used. The scroll box allows you to change the
emulator by providing you with a emulator list.
The Edit and Reset Buttons function only if you
are in VT100 emulation mode (see VT100 Setup for
more help). The Reset Button may be used to
return QL II Fax to text mode if you find yourself
left in VT100 graphics mode.
The Ok Button accepts all changes to the
Terminal Options and removes the dialog box. The
Save Button permanently saves all changes to disk.
The Cancel Button removes the dialog box and does
not use any of the changes.
%Text Editor
The Text Editor is perfect for editing Script
Files, creating faxes or other text documents. A
file is limited to a maximum of 400 lines of text
or about 5 type written pages.
When you first enter the editor you will be
placed in Edit Mode for editing the text file.
The menu bar will change to only a Diamond, File
and Edit menus. The File menu allows you to open
other files, create new files, print files, shell
to DOS, or return to QL II Fax. The Edit menu has
functions for editing your text document like cut,
copy and paste. When you are done editing, and
have saved your document, press Alt-R or select
Return to QL II from the File Menu to return back
to QL II Fax.
%View Fax Documents
This function allows you to view a fax
document in either the .QFX or .REC format. If
you select a document that is not in a .QFX or
.REC format, QL II Fax will convert it prior to
displaying it. You must have a graphics adaptor,
either CGA, EGA, VGA or Hercules to view a fax
document. If you have changed the Monitor Mode on
the Hardware Setup dialog, it will be used when
viewing the fax.
When a document is viewed, it is at full size
and the upper left hand portion of the fax page is
displayed. A number of keystroke functions are
available when viewing a document. To see a list
of the keystroke commands, press ALT-H for Help
with a document displayed on the screen.
%View Fax Schedule
The View Fax Schedule function accessed from
the Fax Menu allows you to see what fax transmis-
sions are scheduled to be sent at a later time.
Each line in the scroll box indicates a scheduled
transmission. The date and time shown is the time
at which the fax will be sent. The destination
and phone number tell you where the fax is going.
The locations field tells you how many destina-
tions are in the schedule. If you are sending
to more than one destination, the destination and
phone number field represent only the first desti-
_Remove Fax
Two buttons are provided below the fax sched-
ule scroll box. The Remove Button, when selected,
will cause the current highlighted entry to be
removed from the schedule. Selecting the Remove
All button will remove all the scheduled transmis-
sions. Note that you cannot remove a schedule
that is currently being sent.
%VT100/102 Keys
The special VT100 keypad and other special
VT100 unique keys have been translated into PC
keys as follows:
_VT100/102 Key Equivalent PC Key
0 Alt 0
1 Alt 1
2 Alt 2
3 Alt 3
4 Alt 4
5 Alt 5
6 Alt 6
7 Alt 7
8 Alt 8
9 Alt 9
- Alt -
, Alt A
. Alt B
Enter Alt =
PF1 Alt F1
PF2 Alt F2
PF3 Alt F3
PF4 Alt F4
Del Del
No Scroll Ctrl Q to resume
Ctrl-Print Alt F5 (VT102)
Shift-Print Alt F6 (VT102)
%VT100/102 Setup
By selecting the Edit Button on the Terminal
Options dialog box with VT100/102 showing as the
current emulator, the VT100/102 Setup dialog box
will appear.
_New Line Mode
With this option off, a Return generates a
carriage return. A linefeed (LF) moves the cursor
to the next line maintaining the current column
With this option on, a Return generates a
carriage return and a linefeed. A linefeed moves
the cursor to the left margin of the next line.
_Wraparound Mode
This option specifies where the next
character will be placed when a line reaches the
right margin. With this option off, QL II Fax
will place the remaining characters in the 80th
position of that line on the screen. With this
option on, QL II Fax automatically displays the
remaining characters on the next line.
_Underline Color
This selection applies only when using a
color monitor. Use the color scroll box to select
the desired color. Whenever underlined text is
encountered, the text will be displayed with the
selected color in the background. Color monitors
cannot display underlines.
Up to 10 tab positions may be entered in the
tab text box. Each tab position entry must be
separated from the next entry by a space.
_Answerback Message
The text box contains a 1 to 20 character
message that will be transmitted upon computer
request or operator command.
The Ok Button will remove the dialog box from
the screen and implement any option changes. The
Save Button permanently writes changes to disk.
The Cancel Button removes the dialog box from the
screen but does not use any changes made.